Posted in History

Japanese War Crimes (World War II)

Whenever I think about atrocities Japanese had committed to innocent civilians during the war time, the first thing that comes to my mind is Burma railway construction. The second one is no other than the notorious unit 731.
The Japanese Army during World War II committed many crimes against humanity. There were proofs of Nanking massacre and similar genocide in other countries.

1). Burma Railway construction (June 1942–October 1943)

The Death Railway – supply line to maintain forces in Burma (Myanmar)
A total of 13,000 POWS (British, Dutch, Australian and American) along with approximately 80,000–100,000 Asian laborers died constructing the railway.
Due to forced labour, the workers died from malnutrition and diseases as they didn’t get medical care.

2) Unit 731 — Japan’s biological warfare project
Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) of World War II

Estimated 200,000 or 300,000–400,000 or higher from biological warfare
Over 3,000 from inside experiments 
At least 10,000 prisoners died

Nazis weren’t the only ones who performed cruel experiments on humans.
Vile experiments were done using humans conducted by the unit.
This is a harsh truth about Japanese germ warfare to innocent people.
Deliberately infected with plague, anthrax, cholera and other pathogens, an estimated 3,000 of enemy soldiers and civilians were used as guinea pigs (human logs).
The most horrifying experiments included vivisection without anesthesia, pressure chambers, frostbite experiments and testing the limits of human suffering.
The place was set up in 1938 in Japanese-occupied China with the aim of developing biological weapons and was supported by Japanese universities and medical schools which supplied doctors and research staff. 
Human prisoners were referred to as maruta (wooden logs) and were used to breed and develop killer diseases as they’re raped and tested alive.
In a secret deal, the post-war American administration gave them immunity for prosecution in return for details of their experiments.

3). The Rape of of Nanking or Nanjing Massacre (1937)

Japanese troops responded to Chinese resistance to their invasion by embarking on an orgy of murder, rape, and looting.
At least 200,000 Chinese civilians and prisoners of war were slaughtered by the Japanese in the six weeks after Nanking fell.
Non-Japanese historians are prepared to accept that the slaughter at Nanking could have reached as high as 370,000 victims.

4). Manila Massacre
February–March 1945

100,000 civilian casualties
Committed crimes – rape, murder, bayonetting, beheading, setting fire to building

5). Conscripting women for sexual slavery in Japanese Army brothels (1937-1945)

Historians have estimated that as many as 200,000 civilian women were forcibly conscripted in Japanese-occupied countries between 1931 and 1945 and forced to serve as sexual slaves in Japanese Army brothels. 
The Imperial Japanese Army assigned these victims the euphemistic term “comfort women”. The majority of these women were conscripted in China and Korea, but this barbarous practice occurred in every country occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army. 

6). Sook Ching Massacre
February–March 1942

Estimated death range from 5,000–6,000 (Japanese sources) to a high of 30,000–100,000 (Singaporean and Chinese sources).

7). The Bangka Island Massacre (1942)  Slaughter of Australian Army Nurses

On 16 February 1942, Imperial Japanese soldiers machine-gunned 22 Australian Army nurses and 60 Australian and British soldiers and crew members who had survived the sinking of Vyner Brooke by Japanese bombers. 

8). The Bataan Death March
April 1942

Estimates range from 5,650 to 18,000 POW deaths.

The forcible transfer by the Imperial Japanese Army of 60,000–80,000 American and Filipino prisoners of war from Saysain Point, Bagac, Bataan and Mariveles to Camp O’Donnell, Capas, Tarlac, via San Fernando, Pampanga, where the prisoners were loaded onto trains. The transfer began on April 9, 1942, after the three-month Battle of Bataan in the Philippines during World War II. 
The march was characterized by severe physical abuse and wanton killings. 

Catherine Washington

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Posted in Animation, Anime, entertainment

Anime is Evil: Weebs

The person in the photo above is a man or someone with sexual orientation because he doesn’t seem to have external features of a woman.
Anyway, it’s a proof that anime can transform you into a total pervert. Isn’t that scary? Being an Otaku is definitely not a thing you should be proud of. Those tiny, little, deformed creature with unusual hairstyles and horns can look sweet and adorable to you especially when you are/were young. I thought the same when I was young. I thought anime girls and boys looked pretty and cute.
However, you should give up watching them as you grow older. Many of them are toxic to you all.
Think of it. The characters in anime fight each other with strange powers. I’m not telling you that superpowers aren’t great. Superpowers are illogical but they look cool and fine until the heroes themselves have some other fetishism like sadism, masochism, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality and incest. That’s what spoiling the younger generations. In that way, the Japanese cartoons are trying to destroy the minds of young adults as well as grownups.

I don’t mean that all anime fans should go to hell. I don’t like the way how anime can change people’s attitudes and way of thinking. I have seen Otakus who can’t stop recommending me animes even though I have told them like a million times that I don’t like anime. They’re very annoying. They say gibberish Japanese words and think they’re cute. Some of them even buy pillows which they call waifu. I’m not interested in their personal lives or how they behave at home but they’re really annoying to me as they always complain about my hobbies and my personal choices. I never tell them to stop acting weird and watching anime. My personal hobbies are quite harmless. Yet they tell me that my favorite movies suck and I must stop watching them which means that I shouldn’t enjoy my life because I hate anime.

Simply, I don’t enjoy these things I see in anime.

Posted in Animation, Anime, Cartoon, entertainment

Why Anime is Evil

Reasons why Anime is Evil

Reason 1

Sexualizing underaged and prepubescent girls,
Schoolgirl uniforms and skirts fetishes,
Up-skirt views, big breasts and nosebleeding perverts

Schoolgirls are often seen as sexual objects in anime. They have slim figures, extremely large breasts that are bigger than any human heads on this whole planet and many areas of their bodies such as chest, thighs, buttocks are exposed in public. Women are no more than sexual tools or toys in such anime. You probably have seen a lot of anime cartoons where a young girl is purposely naked and a grown man drools over her and nosebleeds continuously as if his nostrils are fire hoses. It is surprising that such scenes are considered as laughable as jokes. Something is definitely wrong with you if you enjoy watching a 2D child bouncing her breasts and her genitals touching the tentacles of an octopus or a monster. You are mentally ill when you think your unusual obsession with kids having sex or doing sexual acts are fun. You might think that you wouldn’t harm anybody as you proudly call yourself a pervert who finds two-dimensional objects attractive and sexy and live in your own fantasy world. Clearly, I’m not here to insult all people who watch anime. Yet it does matter if one chooses to be a pervert watching those kinds of nasty cartoons which promote pedophilia and child abuse. Pedophilia is not a normal thing and will never be. We just can’t normalize everything so that we can say everyone is beautiful and worthy of love. No. People with evil minds are not beautiful and they deserve to get shunned by the human society. We shouldn’t be accepting things that are against morals and human ethics. Without rules and codes, the world would be in chaos and catastrophe. Only evil persons desire to watch a child’s private parts being touched by an adult in cartoons or in real life.

Posted in Uncategorised

Eminem’s Kamikaze is insulting America

When someone judge a celebrity, there’s always a negative feedback on him/her. As for me, I always get negative feedbacks. I’ve been told that I’m full of hatred because I’m not perfect and I judge people. The problematic question for them is that how can I criticize famous people even when I don’t have one millionth of what they have. It’s true. I’m neither famous nor rich.

So, how can it be fair for a rich celebrity to bash first responders such as police, soldiers and doctors which they call “lowlife” and how can it be unfair for us to judge them? Don’t take me wrong. I don’t hate rich people. Many of them have struggled through life. There are “rags-to-riches” stories. Also, I’m not a socialist.

The definition of “kamikaze” is not simply “suicide” like most people think.

I don’t care about Eminem attacking President Donald Trump. There are many others like him. Madonna, Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Steven Tyler, John Legend, etc.
However “kamikaze” means “aircrafts loaded with explosives deliberating suicidal crush.”

The following photo shows

Japanese Suicide Attacks (Kamikaze plane) at Pearl Harbor

Kamikaze attacks sank Allied ships including US navy ships. 7000 naval personal were killed during WWII because of them.

Pearl Harbor

Japanese kamikaze plane

US soldiers burned alive by Japanese Kamikaze attacks

The Japanese Kamikaze attack on Pearl Harbor

Burial at sea after the Japanese Kamikaze attack

USS Missouri during the Japanese kamikaze attack

The remains of US sailors killed during Japanese kamikaze attack on aircraft carrier USS Saratoga (CV-3) are awaiting their burial at sea

USS Bunker Hill (CV-17) After Japanese Kamikaze Attacks
Nearly 400 people were killed.

The USS Oklahoma was sunk by several bombs and torpedoes during the Japanese kamikaze attack on Pearl Harbor

Remains of USS Bunker Hill pilots who tried to escape flames caused by Japanese Kamikaze attacks

USS Enterprise (CV-6) hit by Japanese Kamikaze

Japanese Kamikaze hit USS Saratoga
21 February 1945

USS Hinsdale (APA-120) showing Japanese kamikaze damage inflicted 1 April 1945

USS LST 738 burning after she was hit by Japanese Kamikaze

USS Bismarck Sea sunk by Japanese Kamikaze

Japanese Kamikaze approaching USS Missouri

Pearl Harbor
Damages on USS Newcomb (DD 586) by Japanese Kamikaze attack

Published by Ei Ei Kyaw

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Pearl Harbor conspiracy

Author: Ei Ei Kyaw

I wrote this article on February 8th, 2018 before I created this blog.

This is a repost.

In my opinion, “Pearl Harbor advance-knowledge conspiracy theory” is one of the most illogical conspiracies about America. Unforgettable. Unforgivable.

Americans never knew the Japanese plans to surprise the attack which they shamelessly called a ‘preventive war.’

Think about it. Just simply. You don’t need to have the genius level intelligence. How could Americans who value every single life let their soldiers die for nothing?

If you have questions about “valuing a life,” I have answers. The United States has always valued people’s lives more than you could ever know. They made the lists of exact numbers of dead and alive. They value and appreciate veterans.

On the other hand, Japanese always lied the amount of casualties and losses in the war as if millions of soldiers and civilians were never considered as precious lives. Moreover, they highly accepted suicide as a beautiful thing to do. Don’t forget Japanese massive suicides during the Asia-Pacific War.

If America wanted to kill those rude, sadistic Japanese soldiers, they would have just declared a war.

What kind of people would think that Americans had waited and even encouraged the Pearl Harbor attack? Even medicine couldn’t cure those kinds of stupidity.

Even in Batman 2-part animated movie “The Dark Knight Returns,” they said that the US President knew the incidence before it happened and he just let his soldiers die. This is nonsense. This has gone too far. It’s far more worse than a satire. This is a disgrace.

It’s a shame that there are also other similar Hollywood movies that are inserted with these nonsense political agendas.

OK. Let me get this straight. Here, I give you an example to make it clear and more understandable.
There’s a very dangerous bullier in your class. He ANNOUNCES the whole class that he has the courage to get your arm amputated. Will you wait that person until he chop off your arm so that you get the reason to kill him?
I’d ask myself. Am I fool enough to let that person cut off my entire arm?!
My answer is.. “No. Because I know his plans. Maybe I kill him first. I’m not silly to WAIT and LET IT HAPPEN!”
Now.. Do you still think America waited and let the Japanese kill American soldiers first in order to make up a reason to fight them back?

I’ll answer it for God’s sake.. “No. Because America NEVER KNEW the Japanese plans prior to the attack. Because it was a surprise military strike WITHOUT DECLARATION OF WAR.”

Will you easily forget that all historical events and pass on the conspiracy theories to your generations?

Published by Ei Ei Kyaw

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Hollywood Hentai Culture

author: Cat

⛔ Warning: adult contents 🔞⚠️⚠️

Hentai is a porn that usually is beyond every limit of human sexualities & any sexual intercourses that you can ever imagine.

It’s beyond disgusting because Hollywood movies mention Hentai very often. They just ignore kids, teenagers and religious families as they only focus on adult viewers.

We know porn are for adults. But we also know a number of teenagers start watching porn before age 18. Some even try sex in their adolescent years just like they try smoking, drinking and doing drugs. They know genders and sex in their preteen years even though their secondary sex characteristics are not developed yet. (Parents who try to change their young children’s sexualities are pure evil. Neutral sex is nonsense since there are only 2 genders. This topic is irrelevant here. We’ll discuss about this later.)

So, porn is very legal for adults. Today Hollywood movies not only include sex, blood and drugs, but also Hentai and deformed mutants with tentacles are frequently mentioned. They shamelessly say a particular Hentai is a masterpiece. This should not be happening. I’ll explain why.

First of all, is porn a sin or not? It depends on how religious you are. However, bestiality, incest and pedophile are definitely sins since they destroy morals and violate human ethics.

Think of the most dirtiest sex position or behaviour.

Doggy. 69. Any number.

BDSM. Any fetishism. Blowjob.

What else can you think?

🔞 Can you imagine having sex with 2 or 3 dragons that unusually have numerous slippery/mucous arms or tentacles and each tentacle is penetrating all your holes in your body including ears, nostrils at the same time while you cry in pain?

No? Trust me. Japanese Hentai have a lot of that.

Normally, nobody would have imagined that.

Hentai fans might argue with me that Hentai is just a dirty sex and it cannot be any different from a porn.

Wrong! Even though it’s quite acceptable that some people have dirty thoughts and they daydream about sexing with a person in any position they want. A sadist or a masochist think about beating up and torturing somebody or being tortured. A pervert imagine fingering women.

I’m quite sure that normal people wouldn’t want to their genitals and mouths to be inserted with spinous processes of 3 two-headed monsters. Also, they wouldn’t want to see it in a porn show. It’s nasty.

🔞 Can you imagine having sex with your own mother, licking her genitalia while squeezing her breasts?

That’s what usually happens in a Japanese Hentai. And that’s why I find Hentai disgusting, awful and barbaric. It’s beyond imagination. It’s beyond a dirty thought of a normal guy.

If you are still unfamiliar with Hentai, let me give you another example. This might well be disgusting.

🔞 Can you make out with your own sister or brother? Do you want to see a porn show where numerous prepubescent girls blow their fathers’ penises while they are having bath together?

If you do want that kind of porn, just go watch a Japanese Hentai.

“Are you a Hentai fan?” literally means

“Do you watch tentacles sex?”

“Do you support incest?”

“Are you a pedophile?”

I can say that people who’d encourage incest have no moral values.

🔞 Also, there is a type of Japanese Hentai that focuses on bestiality where young schoolgirls put horn-like hair bands/clips or cat ears on their head and have sex with dogs, cats, goats, snake, octopus and animals that don’t exist.

Pedophile is another evil thing in human society. Some people who dream of living in a hate-free zone (a fantasy land that nobody cares to visit) and also think they are supposedly kindhearted to everyone try to sympathize with pedophiles. If you agree with that non-male, non-female gender named “pedosexuality” and say that they’re only human beings, you’re in serious need of help.

Pedophiles, in other words, are people with serious mental illness who have the urge to have sex with very young children, touch their private parts, inhale and smooch them and put their genitals inside a helpless kid’s mouth.

“Youth preference” “pedosexuality” “age fluid” & whatever nonsense you call them. Pedophiles are just disgusting, nefarious, atrocious, degenerate, devilish assholes. It’s pure godlessness. Both “Age Fluid” and “Gender Fluid” are mental disorders as I’ve said many times before.

I’m being rude because I want you to imagine and see it clearly. Pretend it like it’s really happening right in front of your eyes. What would you do if you see a man raping a 9 year-old kid?

How will people respond?
Some might respond, “Well. All of us are liberal human beings. We have the right to sex with anybody we want even with a kid if he/she gives consent.”

Some might say, “If she is a age fluid, she can do whatever she wants.” (Age fluid means a person can change his age anytime he wants according to a situation. If he’s 11 and about to have sex with a grown up, he pretends like he’s 20 so that he can legally do it. Gender fluid who can change sex according to some circumstances.) In my opinion, that is very unacceptable. You just can’t pretend you’re fluid that changes and takes the shape of container. I can guess how low their EQ are.

I’ve heard similar complaints and responses many times in my life that a child can give you the permission if you can sleep with him/her or not. How could a child probably give you consent?

It’s like you’re stuck on an island and are extremely thirsty but there is only sea water around you. So you drink salt water that makes you more thirsty.

Do you get what I mean?

A pedophile is ‘thirsty’ (which here means he wants children of age 15 that is illegal). You tell him that it’s okay because she’s somehow a grown-up. (You give him salt water which unfortunately makes him more thirsty). Therefore, he asks you if he can have some more kids around 12 or 13 years of age because they are gonna turn 15 anyway in a few years. So you accept it. (More salt water). Then, he says 10 years old kid can also be age fluid and asks you if you agree with them. (More thirsty). And you willingly accept it. (More salt water)

If you’re supporter of LGBT+Pedosexual, you are in a group of monsters who would claim that they have sympathy and empathy for every damn person in the world but not for innocent kids.

In case you misunderstand me,

Here are some facts.

💡 You can sympathize with people and animals. It’s nice to have positive attitudes.

💡 Don’t be an extremist in anything. If you’re a girl, you can’t sympathize with a rapist who’s gonna rape you. (Like.. “Poor little guy.. He just needs sex. I better give him.” That’s nonsense!)

💡 If you’re a vegetarian, you sympathize with animals. Yet you can’t force people to stop eating meat. Their choices and your lifestyle are very different things.

💡 If you love porn and Japanese Hentai, don’t expect everyone should be the same like you. This is what I always wanted to tell Hollywood directors and scriptwriters to stop adding bullshits to their movies and TV shows. I wish I could remind them that there are still kids, teenagers and ordinary families who are currently watching their shows. Hence, inserting wrong political agendas, false ideas, sexual perversion and sex orientation will not help a kid lead a better future or build up a better life. Today, Hollywood is doing wrong in every aspect. They’re still good at brainwashing though. Anyway, they should never add those evil thoughts and opinions in the first place. Children and teenagers might easily imitate them.

Published by Ei Ei Kyaw

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