Posted in Politics

George Soro’s Crimes

The deep state’s crimes against morality

The leftist politicians and liberal oligarchs in America mostly behold the ideas of Marxism, Socialism and Liberal Progressivism and play a great role in geopolitics. The geopolitical interferences usually come from power-hungry leaders, wealthy politicians, cronies and also from deep state society. And just because they embrace socialist ideologies, it doesn’t mean that they’re ready to contribute their wealth to philanthropic organizations make a better, greener world and become an extraordinary example of altruism. Yet they’re named great philanthropists since they donate a large sum of money to charity. We have to keep in mind that some of them are only generous when it comes to terrorist and anarchist associations. For instance, George Soros is well-known for his generosity to left-wing anti-government groups and those who praise communism and take part in violent campaigns and civil unrest activism.

We’ve heard of one of Soros’ foundations that is Open Society Foundation. It literally means Open Borders, a policy which liberals and democrats in America always have wanted. It’s terrifying how far he has reached as he keeps promoting ‘one world government’ in many countries where elites like him trying to construct a ‘one world religion.’ Also, they have succeeded somehow when they did interfere with internal affairs that happened in a lot of countries. They have accomplished the evil process of ‘liberalization’ in global society. In order to maintain their position and ‘one world rule,’ they have to wipe out conservatism, traditionalism and right-wing ideals. So, they try to decompose and destroy the social status, moral standards and conservative values of human societies. We can say that they’ve achieve a few goals and got benefits from them as well. We can see a number of liberal-minded people with rotten mind who are too blind to see the truth. We’ve seen a great number of angry people holding up signs, acting violently and insulting other people just because they can’t have free education and healthcare. We also have seen naked women and men protesting for animal rights, women’s rights and climate change. The idea of ‘progressivism’ actually means that facts don’t matter and you have every right to be free, intolerant and aggressive when the government doesn’t give what you want for free for your lifetime.

Here are things that George Soros is known for.
– Open Society Foundation
– Central European University
– Institute for New Economic Thinking
– Red Letter Christian
– Media Matters
and so on.

Those organizations seriously have beautiful names except the fact that Media Matters doesn’t really stand for media freedom and Red Letter Christian doesn’t represent true Christians.
In America, mainstream media emphasize on unnecessary topics and misleading issues and controversies. It’s obvious how all those left-leaning news media are run by the same community or so-called swamp or shadow deep-state government that disapprove of any right-wing opinions. The journalists and commentators repeat the same message on every occasion. Now you know why liberals and leftists are called sheeps.

Who is their enemy? Who are mainstream’s media enemies?

The answer is simple. People who disagree with liberalism, socialism and stand in their way to the ‘One World policy’ are their opponents. In other words, god-loving nationalists and right-wing conservatives are their true adversary. They would do anything to eliminate them one by one.

The founder of Open Society, George Soro has donated to Clinton’s Foundation, BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement, and civil disobedience protests which are professionally designed with actors, influencers, and civilians who are either praised or paid for their vandalism, destructions and demonstrations. BLM has started in the United States and it’s spread globally and become an universal concept which must be accepted and obeyed by ordinary people. In United Kingdom, football players have to kneel down during the national anthem. It’s always been a ‘must’ for everyone. Liberalism is a must. Moreover, the radical left gain profits by using weak, apologetic liberals as political puppets.

Liberal elites would love to see the world burn. They wish to watch clashes and people fighting to death for their different standpoints in politics, religions, colours of the skin, ethnicities and regions. I’m not assuming that after all. Evil world leaders and deep state villains would even pay to see bloodshed conflicts among human beings. They’d set up projects not to save lives, but to fight nationalism. Because liberal globalism is their ultimate goal. Being among the wealthiest men on earth, Mr. soros’ actions are quite influential and his investment in many countries seems beneficial to the Western left-wing community. I’d say that George is very ambitious about changing the world by introducing us the ugly liberal socialism as beautiful thing, presenting fedarlization as a vital political system, opposing national borders and making people live in fear of climate change. Meanwhile, the social media platforms ban skeptics and conspiracists. Not to mention the fact that they are always trying to overshadow and remove conservative opinions anywhere.

To be continued.

Author: Catherine Washington

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Posted in Culture, History, Politics, Religion

Fault Line War

fault line war is one that takes place between two or more identity groups (usually religious or ethnic) from different civilizations. It is a communal conflict between states or groups from different civilizations that has become violent.

Fault line wars could happen between the states (which involves the rulers / the government) and it could also happen between non-governmental groups of people that consist of various ethnicities and religious people.

Such wars are initiated by national and global conflicts and political differences / disagreements based on religions, nationality, ethics, and traditions. The important thing here is that most of the outcomes are harsh and ungracious. A number of them result in taking possession of territory, power and regional control and even genocide and ethnical cleansing.

There are many examples proving those unwilling and violent culture clash.

People love freedom and individual liberty. There are few people who hate democracy. Unfortunately, there are people who abuse democracy. It’s well-known that democracy is a fair ruling system where free, elected government chosen by the majority. Hence, majority rules! In most countries, there are rules where the elected Presidents and prime ministers must be native citizens to avoid foreign interference. In a country with preferred or established state religion, there is undoubtedly a religious group which is officially endorsed by the state in accordance with the majority of people who live there. Still, it’s essential to keep in mind that minority rights matter. It doesn’t mean that the majority should lose their freedom to prevent the loss of minority rights. And, there’s no way a native citizen should sacrifice his privilege and liberty just to prioritize a minority group of people. We should not always look at colours of the skins and religions while neglecting many-sided issues, for example, citizenship, background, qualification, etc. For instance, it’s unfair to appreciate a cocaine addict black/white/Asian guy who just killed a pregnant woman and blame the police for arresting him. It’s vital to have common sense. Also, this matter is related to moral standards. We should not decide on behalf of the whole black or white community by telling them how to get offended. We should never make a decision by judging whose skin is lighter or darker or just wondering which of them belongs to minority ethnic group. Overall, minorities should be respected as long as they don’t tend to destroy or occupy the native land, disrespect the laws and set off a decline in moral and social standards.

Yet, people abuse the facts and regulations concerning democracy. True meaning of democracy is overwhelmed by liberalism, neoliberalism and progressivism. Democrats and leftists from America and liberals and left-wingers from all over the world behold the ideas that open society, globalization, diversity, coexist, and liberalism could strengthen our community and help make the world a better place. They welcome newer ideologies except the right-wing conservativism and traditionalism. As I’ve said, supporting diversity would be nice unless they break morality of our human societies. However, many people who have faith in their progressive ideas strongly reject religious views, patriotism, nationalism, family values and right-wing opinions. That’s where controversies and arguments begin. The left-wing and neoliberals oppose democratically elected government, right-wing God-loving nationalist leaders and politicians. When the leftists can overthrow or defeat the rightists and come to power, they oppress conservative freedom of speech. One of the prominent examples is mass media in the United States. The mainstream media spread fake news agenda, misleading topics, and social networks control people’s freedom. “What not to post/share” is resolved according to their community standards that overshadow and silence conservative voices. Right-wing organizations and parties were dissolved whenever the political force from the left is so strong. On the contrary, powerful right-wing government cannot disintegrate the left-wing politics. Even unapologetic, conservative leader like Donald Trump cannot knock down the leftists. He can’t dismantle the deep state either. Another reason why the left wants to take down right-wingers is to devour classic liberalism, nationalism and conservativism that stand in their way to get good opportunities for advancement.

A lot of international organizations especially Western associations are in favour of progressivism, social populism, political science, social justice, feminism, liberal ideas and open society. Open society foundations have intervened in a great number of affairs in different countries. The left promises another form of lawless, limitless utopia most liberals ever wanted. They continue to persuade and enslave liberals who hate God, families and old school rules. Most of the time, they show us how kind and empathetic they are, by telling us how much they hate patriarchy, racism, discrimination and inequalities. In fact, they use such debatable issues to gain power. “Divide and conquer” is another tactic they use for higher political positions.

The point is that there will always be lines among religious and ethnic groups. Considering diversity and coexist sounds great till your safety, boundaries and your state security are threatened by excessive immigration, illegal drug transportation, human trafficking and terrorism. We can’t just let other people taking advantage of our land and resources just because we want to be broad-minded individuals who warmly welcome diversity.

Author: Catherine Washington

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Posted in Liberalism, Politics

Reasons why Democrats from America have become Evil

#DemocratsAreEvil, the hashtag I couldn’t use..

1). They’re heading towards socialism and way up to communism and radical left or left-wing extremism.

2). They’re forcing their ideas such as homosexuality, transgender, etc on other people till everyone in the world accept them wholeheartedly. They use shameless and sometimes aggressive methods to share their decomposing ideologies. Because of that, we’ve lost our freedom of speeches and personal liberty.
They once asked a baker from Colorado to bake a cake for gay couple. And he refused it. He had the right to deny them. It’s his freedom of choices. The couple could have chosen another baker if they wanted to. Instead, liberals and democrats wanted to bother him. They wanted to trouble republicans and conservatives and accuse them of being homophobic. “The right-wing is racist, sexist, homophobic and bigoted.”That’s the idea the left always come up with. Also, mainstream media like CNN, MSNBC, helped the left-wing a lot. They did their job to demonstrate and describe the republican party of the USA as an evil party that should be destroyed immediately because it’s ruining America for not accepting the LGBT community. In fact, republicans are tolerate different people with different personalities but they just don’t want to acknowledge homosexuality as a normal thing.

3). Abortion
The democrats always bring up incest, rape, congenital and sex-linked diseases whenever they have to debate on this topic as if they actually do care about women. And they also point out another thing they find ironic. It’s that republicans do not care about babies once they’ve been born and that republican politicians neglect children detention camps (for illegal immigrants) at the borders. 
And democrats want to legalize abortion and call it women’s healthcare. They use beautiful words such as  “a woman’s right to choose” and “pro-choice” to make them look like compassionate freedom fighters who favour feminism and support women’s rights. In short, killing the unborn is a civil right according to Democratic Party of America. Democrats are embracing immoral doctrines as good things to do.

4). The democrats do not respect doctors, first responders, and the law. They hate the police and they do not support the military. Also, they hate America and disrespect the flag, amendments, founding fathers and Christianity.

Author: Catherine Washington

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Posted in Politics

Wars Under Obama

Barack Obama’s Presidency 2009-2017

Barack Obama was regarded as a hero and American people had high hopes for him. People called him America’s new hope for he has improved and fix the country. (It is believed that he has destroyed the deficit, reduce unemployment rate, led a good healthcare system, won Iraq and so on. Is it though?) 

For a long time, Democratic Presidents have involved in many wars. It’s widely known that Obama has involved in bombing seven countries. (He has ordered air strikes in 7 different countries. Source: CNN politics)


Obama has ordered airstrikes against suspected militant targets in Afghanistan.
The bloody Afgan war started long before Obama’s years in office. The United States of America, under George W. Bush, attacked Afghanistan in 2001. The US invaded the country and had declared victory in 2004.
And the Taliban grew stronger and both Bush and Obama had increased troop levels. (President Bush doubled the number of U.S. troops from roughly 20,000 in late 2006 to almost 40,000 (36,000) when he left office. In 2009, Obama tripled troop levels to 100,000.) Under Obama’s presidency, more troops as well as more drone strikes were sent to Afghanistan. One of the U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan killed Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud. (Pakistan was the hub of drone operations during Obama’s first term. The 54 strikes in 2009 all took place in Pakistan.) Just in five years of Obama, the U.S. dropped 21,000 bombs and missiles—six and a half times the number dropped under George W. Bush. ( A total of 563 strikes, largely by drones, targeted Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s two terms.) Between 2009 and 2014, over 1,000 civilians were killed by U.S. air strikes. Though President Obama said that those strikes were exceptionally surgical and precise, some of them destroyed homes, villages, wedding parties and killed innocent citizens. Also, more US Soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan under Obama than under Bush.

United States military casualties in the War in Afghanistan

As of April 11, 2011 the number was 1,515 and by February 12, 2012, American casualties had reached 2,000. By September 2012, the total number surpassed 2,000.

As of July 27, 2018, there have been 2,372 U.S. military deaths and 4 Department of Defense civilian deaths in the War in Afghanistan. 1,856 of these deaths have been the result of hostile action. 20,320 American servicemembers have also been wounded in action during the war. In addition, there were 1,720 U.S. civilian contractor fatalities.

Sources: Wikipedia, Britannica,…

2011 Arab Spring

It’s known as wave of anti-government protests (civil unrest) which began in 2010 (in Tunisia). and spread across the country in 2011. Protests arose in Oman, Yemen, Egypt, Syria, & Morocco. The government was overthrown in Tunisia on 14 January 2011. On 11 February, the President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak resigned. On 3 March, the former Prime Minister of Egypt, Ahmed Shafik, also resigned. On 3 June, the President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh was injured in a failed assassination attempt. Between 20 and 28 August, the Battle of Tripoli, occurred, in Libya. Rebel forces overthrew the government of the Muammar Gaddafi. On 9 and 10 October, Coptic Christians in Egypt protested against the destruction of a church. The Army responded by attacking the protesters with tanks. On 20 October, Muammar Gaddafi was captured and killed, by rebels after his convoy had been attacked by NATO airstrikes. Thousands of civilians have died in Libya since 2011.
Arab Spring Timeline extended from Egypt to Tunisia and Yemen and Syria.

US and allies dropped bombs on Libya in 2011.
We all know that Colonel Gaddafi (Libya) and Bashar Al-Assad (Syria) are US biggest enemies. As usual, United States support the opposition sides i.e the sides that where protestors and revolutionists are, to counteract those notorious leaders. It’s said that the opposition parties who tried to kill Gaddafi weren’t just ordinary people. Some claimed that they’re terrorists. Also, it is said that the US had eyes on Libyan oil resources, didn’t like Gaddafi’s nationalism and even neglected peaceful negotiation from his son. Plus, mainstream media did their job as usual to boost Obama’s approval rating by giving us the ideas that he’s a peace icon as well as a good leader.


The U.S. under Barack Obama, dropped 26,171 bombs on seven countries (Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia) in 2016. 24,287 bombs were used in Iraq and Syria, where the U.S. is helping drive ISIS militants from swaths of both countries. In 2015, the U.S. dropped 22,110 bombs in Iraq and Syria, 11 bombs in Pakistan, 58 in Yemen and 18 in Somalia.

Author: Catherine Washington

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Posted in entertainment

(8) awful things I’ve learned from BoJack Horseman

1. Beats traditionalism

Beating system and fighting against conservatism including family values and traditional marriage is one of the ideal goals of liberalism. I can always say that many TV networks including Netflix are trying to change the world by making the audience see the way they see and hence they’re usually on the left side of political spectrum.

In one flashback scene in season 1 episode 1, BoJack made a present for his father and got a lecture. He asked BoJack if he wanted to go around the horn like a gentleman or cut through the Panama Canal like some kind of democrat. BoJack chose the canal. His father yelled, “You go around the horn the way God intended.” Clearly, it’s not just a joke but some politics. We can conclude that by assuming BoJack’s neglectful father is a Christian conservative or probably a republican who want the ‘right’ way rather than an easy method which some kind of democrats make.
You might have noticed that because it’s the pilot episode.

There’s something that is even more interesting. Back in the old days, BoJack’s father who was a horse married Beatrice who was also a horse. In many flashback scenes, you might notice that a lot of old couples where a cat married a cat, a rooster married a hen, a dog married a bitch, a stallion married a mare and so on. There was almost zero mating between different species of animals. {There were a few exceptions. BoJack’s father (horse) had a daughter with Henrietta (human maid).}

It seemed like those species in ‘BoJack Horseman’ universe had overwhelmed coservatism. The main character BoJack himself had slept with many girlfriends of diverse species including cat, owl, deer, and even human. Very diverse indeed. It’s typical liberal style of ‘beating system’ or “rules are no fun.” Not to mention another anti-conservative lifestyle i.e having multiple sexual partners, premarital sex, etc.

Also, I’m aware that those are fictional humanoid animals that are living in alternate universe. However, I believe I’m not the one who is dramatic here. Diversity and interracial love are sensitive topics. I know Christians and republicans tried to ban interracial passion in films. That doesn’t mean that right-wing people are dangerous to society. They made the censorship and restrictions since celebrities from Hollywood sin city had been breaking morals and ethics over the years.

Our ancestors had made rules. Our young generations are curious why laws and order want to control their freedom. They have many questions about religion, commandments, morality, principles and regulations and make jokes about how ridiculous and oppressive those rules are. Those especially who claimed themselves to be liberals or leftists will do anything to comfort or may even force the viewers to see the world the way they see, believe everything they stand for and lead a future where no one can control them.

2. Todd’s sexuality

It’s not a strange thing to see how Todd finally finds out he has no sexual desires at all which means that he’s asexual. If you’re a fan of Hollywood movies and series, it should not be surprising for you how one turns out to be gay after many sexual encounters with women. It’s usual thing for Hollywood as they believe that it’s never too late to come out bravely if one thinks he’s right. That’s one good intention to not to discourage people with different sexual orientations. But it is not okay to force everyone to worship LGBT community if you accept people are just ‘different.’

Because minor characters like gays and lesbians seem boring, Hollywood have another idea to create major character who are transgender, asexual and something from so-called gender spectrum that has infinite sexual identities. After online dating with Japanese gold digger, Todd Chavez still has no idea what he wants. He once had a relatively romantic relationship with a girl of his age but it was the girl who felt for him. It’s shown that Todd wasn’t interested in romance at all. Later, that girl slept with BoJack because ‘one-night stand’ is a common standard of living for Hollywood. Todd’s confusing sexuality is one of the agendas show creators used to display ‘tolerance’ which they don’t have. They insert political correctness just to look cool and kind so that they gain a strong fanbase. Only then, they can be so proud as they gain millions of fans who think celebrities are essential people. “Hey look. I’m famous and I have stronger platform. You’re nothing.” is one of the word weapons actors use in political debates.

3. A reason to be bad

Are negligent parents, sad childhood, traumatic experiences and tragedies only the reasons somebody behaves badly?

I understand how dreadful it would be to have abusive parents, experience bullies and there’s nobody who stands by you. Anyway, it should never be the reason why you hurt other people just because you’re dead inside. Undoubtedly, BoJack’s malice and irresponsible manners are due to his unfortunate events in his childhood and adult years. Instead of trying to be a good person, he keeps being aggressive and antagonistic towards a lot of people.

This is another liberal idea about enjoying wrongdoings, having excuses for them and not caring for the consequences. At least, it’s not reality. It’s just an animation, isn’t it?

4. Drug addiction

Fans were quite sad because Sarah Lynn died at the end of Season 3. Few people mention that it’s because of drug abuse and BoJack’s fault. According to Hollywood movies and television shows, it’s always fun to do drugs. They smoke marijuana drug whenever they’re happy or sad. Getting high and doing clumsy things are overused jokes. Plus drunk driving and trespassing are another ways to have fun. What I get from that very episode were redoing drugs after having been sober for months is more exciting, snorting heroin like a sophisticated adult because you can’t handle your life problems is great and not regretting for the sins you’ve committed is good enough.

Afterall, it’s a satire show. Right?

5. Diane’s Feminism

Duane Nguyen is the strongest female character in the show when compared to other female ones. She failed to destroy a real sexual predator which was sad but some of her feminist activities were thoughtless and senseless.

6. Abortion

Remember that time conservatives were upset when Olivia Pope had an abortion in Scandal TV series? As usual, pro-lifers are irritated whenever liberals and democrat writers and directors advocate pro-choice movement. Scandal was neither the first nor the only show that showed abortion.

Diane (human) felt absolutely nothing for her abortion procedure. Maybe it was because a piece of human dog hybrid tissue (her then husband was a dog-man) had no value. Mr. Peanutbutter, who was always cheerful and supportive brought a gender reveal balloon to support her. The sentence on that balloon said, “It’s aborted” but the strikethrough letters b, o and y were still visible.

Later, Sextina Aquafina made a parody music video about abortion and she described in her song how she wanted to kill ‘that baby.’ Now, this exceeds the boundaries of “Relax. It’s just a joke.” Moreover, the showrunners also wanted to give us the idea that women who aren’t brave enough to abort a baby needed that kind of encouragement i.e Sextina’s MV to feel better. (Yeah. It’s no big deal when it’s not you who’s being killed. It doesn’t matter if you’re the one who have to choose whether someone should live or not on behalf of him/her.)

7. Polyamory

This is literally number one of this article. Beat traditions. Because monogamy in entertainment is boring, liberal show creators proudly introduce polygamy as normal culture to the audience. I guess the future doesn’t solely depend on females, but also on mentally ill persons and scoundrels who are hero-worshipped by the left-wing.

BoJack’s half-sister Hollyhock has eight gay fathers who live in seemingly happy, healthy polyamorous relationship. They have made conservatives and rightists mad. So, it’s time for them to upset Christians.

Aside from the risk of sexually transmitted infections, polyamory is none other than behaving like animals.

8. Heartwarming stories giving you headache rather than heartache

You know this is not a compliment. I must admit that democrats are good at dragging people to their side and making them stand for their beliefs. Hollywood filmmakers know how to write a nice, heart touching storyline that are based on relatable life troubles. People do favour those kinds of entertainment which have engaging plot, understandable stuff and life situations similar to theirs. Once the show has acquired more views, they just keep adding political correctness mixed with another tragedy and/or comedy to keep the fans occupied as well as brainwashed.

From here, I have summed up eight awful things I have learnt from BoJack Horseman.

There are still some odd things I don’t like about BoJack. For example, I don’t like the idea of chicken-man raising edible chicken as their food. Maybe the cartoonists add those for the purpose of meat in BoJack universe because people are going to ask what kind of non-vegan food they eat if they’re all animals with human body features.

Nonetheless, BoJack Horseman is still better than any other Netflix adult animations where writers think that only sex jokes would entertain us. Over many years, adult jokes, curses, unrelated stuff and repetitive phrases are overused. And Netflix animators cannot possibly think of anything but sex, f-word, d-word, p-word, etc.

In conclusions, I know there are a lot things that fans like about BoJack Horseman. For instance, they love BoJack’s miserable life, his mistakes and self-pity, Diane’s personality, Princess Carolyn’s character and hardwork, Mister Peanutbutter’s optimism and positivity, and so on. However, political correctness and liberal ideas look very foolish as well as irresistible to me. Some are irrelevant and some are senseless.

Without the Internet, news media platforms and entertainment industries, the world would be a dull place. This doesn’t mean that filmmakers and celebrities are the most essential people on earth. They might have talent and good looks. If those beautiful and talented people choose to spread harmful agenda and false information, they’re no longer respectable and reliable. We may enjoy their works and shows. We might not follow the wrong path they walk. We might not stay in the wrong side of the history.

Author: Catherine Washington

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Posted in Politics

Hillary Clinton’s Crimes


This is the most well-known crime after all. Many people know about it though majority of them do not take that seriously. It was regarded as a trendy topic for so-called memes material and funny videos that only go viral for a few weeks till they’re completely forgotten. Not only did Mrs. Clinton use a private server, she also refused to turn over the server before deleting 30,000 emails leaving no evidence but traces. Despite her mocking laugh, irrational jokes and excuses like claiming all her emails as personal, she easily had got away with her crimes as usual. Jokes aside, Hillary abused her power as Secretary of State since she tried to cover-up her crimes and destroyed the evidences. The use of private servers to send classified state secrets alone is an inexcusable crime.
If this whole things was done by President Donald Trump, the reactions and responses from media journalists and politicians would be very different.


This might be another neglected facts for a lot of people aren’t too serious about Clinton’s body bags. Instead, they make jokes based on those facts. The September 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi resulted in four deaths of Americans. Ambassador to Libya had made repeated requests for additional security in Benghazi for safety. Those requests were routinely denied by Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Uranium One scandal

The scandal occurred when then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave approval to a deal which allowed a Russian government enterprise to control one-fifth of all uranium producing capacity in the US. Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had subsequently taken over a Canadian mining company (Uranium One, an American firm owned by Canadian) with uranium-mining stakes. {According toThe New York Times, UrAsia’s owner Frank Giustra had donated as much as $145 million to the Clinton Foundation just two years before selling his company to Uranium One for $3.7 billion. The Uranium One donated $8.65 million to the Clinton Foundation. Sources say: it was between 2008 and 2010.} The Clinton’s personally received $500,000 from the Russian Bank.
Nevertheless, the mainstream media still keep their focus on Trump-Putin relationship.

The War on Libya

Indeed, the war did not have authorisation by the United Nations. Even Vladimir Putin once said, “Who gave NATO the right to kill Gaddafi?” (Libya’s ex-leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was killed by the rebels after a NATO air strike hit his convoy.) Mrs. Clinton even made a joke about it after Gaddafi was brutally killed. It happened in 2011. And we know it was under Barack Obama’s presidency (2009-2017). If we take a look back at history books, it’s not surprising to see that Presidents of America from the Democratic Party had somehow involved in many wars. Franklin D. Roosevelt took the office for the fourth term due to economic issues during the war. (Two years after FDR’s death, Congress passed the 22nd Amendment, limiting presidents to two terms.) We also shouldn’t forget Truman’s bombing of Japan that caused at least 200,000 deaths. Bombing in Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc were ordered by Obama. It’s more than coincidental that majority of democrats have historically involved in wars.

To be continued.

Author: Catherine Washington

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